Katja Zieske heads new research group

As of February 2020 Katja Zieske joined the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light to set up her laboratory. Starting in May she will head a new Max Planck research group addressing how biological systems are assembled from modular building blocks across multiple lengths scales.

The research focus of the group will be how large-scale patterns and biological functions emerge from the interactions of smaller-scale building blocks and how environmental cues modulate this functionality. In a multidisciplinary approach the group uses purified biomolecules and cells as building blocks to reconstitute mechanisms underlying spatial organization and self-assembly. To probe and analyze these mechanisms the group applies synthetic lipid membranes, microfluidic technologies and optogenetic tools.


Max Planck Research Groups

These groups offer excellent qualification opportunities for young postdoctoral researchers: leaders of these groups are appointed by the President of the Max Planck Society and – similar to directors at Max Planck Institutes – enjoy an independent status within the Institute.

All Group Leader positions are initially limited to five years, but can be extended. Group Leaders can draw on infrastructure and administration of a Max Planck Institute, but are also provided with own funds for personnel, equipment and running costs, which enable them to independently engage in their research project.



Edda Fischer

Head of Communication and Marketing
+49 9131 7133 805

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Graduate Program