Gerard Milburn – Quantum Learning Machines

Detailed information

Gerard Milburn
University of Sussex
Brighton, United Kingdom


Gerard Milburn will discuss two approaches to physical learning machines using quantum technology: mesocopic electronics and superconducting quantum optics. The former will be based on a physical neural network and the latter on a quantum kernel algorithm with an interesting connection to quantum chaos.  I will discuss the advantages each scheme offers for energy efficiency, security and computational efficiency.


Gerard Milburn obtained a PhD in theoretical Physics from the University of Waikato in 1982 for work on squeezed states of light and quantum nondemolition measurements. Professor Milburn is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science and The American Physical Society. He has worked in the fields of quantum optics, quantum measurement and stochastic processes, atom optics, quantum chaos, mesoscopic electronics, quantum information and quantum computation


Leuchs-Russell Auditorium, A.1.500, Staudtstr. 2
Location details

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Meeting-ID: 618 0889 4862
Kenncode: 931691




Edda Fischer

Head of Communication and Marketing
+49 9131 7133 805

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